2018 Show-Mo at The Read Law Firm.
So, we had our first Show-Mo event of 2018 yesterday, and it was AMAZING. Thank you ladies (you know who you are) for coming. The three hours flew by, and it was great hearing your works in progress.
Missed this one? Don’t sweat it. Stop by June 16, 2018 at 10am for my second, but be sure and email me first at [email protected] for more information and to say your coming!
I’ve been a proud, card caring member of the Southern Breeze region of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators for the greater part of a decade now, and I’m happy to host two free events for writers – one in May, and one June. Read below for more details.
SHOW-MO! Region-wide events where you give and receive feedback on your Work In Progress!
Details: Hosted by members of the Southern Breeze section of SCBWI, free and open to the public. 
You are invited to attend SHOW MO, Saturday May 12, 10:am – 1 p.m, 915 Commercial Street, Conyers, Georgia 30012. Can’t make that one? I’m hosting another one on June 16, 2018, same time, same place! Can’t make that one? Follow this link for other Show-Mo events offered in our region: https://southernbreezewriters.blogspot.com/
At these special events you will find inspiration AND get feedback on your work! This will help you polish your manuscript for the SCBWI Southern Breeze Contest in June.
For more information and to reserve your place RSVP to [email protected].
It works like this: You bring your first ten pages (double spaced with a one inch margin) and then read to other writers and/or illustrators. Participants will then fill-out feedback sheets provided for them. Afterwards, the feedback sheets can be used to improve and revise your work.
Cost: Free and open to the public, so yes, you can bring a non-SCBWI writing friend; however, they will not be able to enter our annual writing contest.
HOW MANY PAGES: Up to ten, double spaced pages in a 12-point font. Your pages should be your best work and near submission ready. For more of the Writing Contest submission information, see http://southern-breeze.scbwi.org/contests/writing-contest/ .
To insure everyone is reached, where participation exceeds 8 people, we will break into groups of 4-6. This is a similar format to our conference Informal Critiques.
Hope to see you there! T. K. Read, Local Liaison, SE Atlanta area of Southern Breeze, SCBWI
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Out and About: The Read Law Firm In Our Local Community | The Read Law Firm, P.C.: Trial Attorneys for Justice: Crimes, Injuries, Fraud · May 8, 2018 at 8:52 pm
[…] So, I’m doing these again! This year, the Show Mo’s are June 8th and June 22nd, 2019. T.K. Read will be hosting free, open to the public Writer Events at The Read Law Firm’s offices on May 12, 2018 and June 16, 2018. For more information on these events, go to https://tkread.com/2018/05/may-and-june-are-show-mo-months/ […]
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