A First Place Win!
Woot! TK placed first in Southern Breeze region of SCBW’s (Society of Children’s Writers & Illustrators), Young Adult division of its yearly Writing Contest.

Where I’ll Be:
I’ll be signing and selling books at the following upcoming Events:

I’ll be back at The Conyers Book Festival on Saturday April 20th, 2024 between the hours of 11am and 6:30pm. Monday, April 22nd, 2024 is Earth Day, and Friday, April 26th, 2024, so in celebration I’ll be reducing the price on both ebooks, and running several give-ways. Check back here for more closer to these events.
You can read more about it here: http://www.ConyersBookFestival.com
Then, on Satuday, May 18th, 2024, I’ll be giving a talk about self-publishing at the Fairview Public Library. Here’s the deets:

Friday, December 1st, 2023 at The Conyers Christmas Party, here in my home town of Conyers, Georgia.
For those who are keeping tally, here’s a list of all the awards and accolades the series has been received to date:
Ranger Nader & The Sunstruck Phantom:
Winner, International Book Awards,
Gold Medal, Global Book Awards,
& Finalist in the IAN, Wishing Shelf,
Readers’ Favorite & Indie Excellence Awards,
Long Listed by the Green Earth Book Awards
Ranger Nader & The Unsolvable Ridde:
FIVE, five Star Reviews from Readers’ Favorite
This fall, Ranger Nader & The Sunstruck Phantom was a winner in the International Book Awards! While, Ranger Nader & The Unsolvable Riddle had FIVE five Star Reviews from Readers’ Favorites.

March 1, 2023, Squeeeeee! COVER REVEAL! The second book in Ranger Nader’s The Guardian Series will drop its cover and we’re super excited–it’s going to be gorgeous! Here’s the books, side-by-side:

April 22, 2023, T.K. will have a booth at the First Annual Conyers Book Festival in Olde Town Conyers where she will signing her award winning book, Ranger Nader & The Sunstruck Phantom! This date is also Earth Day, and in celebration, will be the book birthday of Ranger Nader& The Unsolvable Riddle, the second in Ranger’s The Guardian Series. She will be making merry in the booth with prizes, book bundles, and freebies. Be sure and stop by.
To check out Ranger Nader, go here: https://amzn.to/2yMX15A
To check out the festival, go here: https://conyersbookfestival.com/

The festival is being presented by the Olde Town Merchants, and TK’s law firm, http://readlawfirm.com, is one of the lead sponsors. More information on this later!

This required a little work on my part, as with the current cover, all those darn awards just wouldn’t fit, so…. the book got a new cover!

In case you haven’t had the opportunity to buy my multi-award winning book yet, here’s the link:
Don’t read another book where the kids go to school to become wizards; read one where they battle evil while training to crew a Guardian Ship, fight demi-gods, and also have magical powers.
This book is based in part on my family’s generations of serving as “Keepers” of the Cedars of Lebanon–ancient, holy trees mentioned in the bible multiple times. As part of their duties, they had to combat deforestation by those that wanted to use the wood for building ships, railroads, and palaces.
Happy reading!