Ranger Nader & The Sunstruck Phantom named Finalist in the 2019 IAN Book of the Year Award!

https://www.independentauthornetwork.com/2019-botya-winners.html The burning of the rain forest in Brazil and out of control wild fires in California has spotlighted the impact of trees on climate change and global warming. These are not, however, only recent problems. In Ranger Nader & The Sunstruck Phantom, Ranger thinks he’s an ordinary 9th grader. Then Read more…

SCBWI Southern Breeze presents the THIRD annual Manuscript and Portfolio Critique Event & I’m Hosting!

June is writing contest month for Southern Breeze, the Georgia/Alabama/Coastal Florida region of the Society for Book Writers & Illustrators. Throughout the months of May and June, we’re sponsoring manuscript swap events all over the region. These are free events, open to the public. Simply notify the host you’re coming, Read more…

A Children’s Book Author Call’s Out Gilgamesh as a Wrongfully Celebrated Clear-cutter

  Kam Karem 915 Commercial Street Conyers, Georgia 30012 770-653-6236: [email protected] http://www.amazon.com/author/kamkarem FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: A Children’s Book Author Call’s Out Gilgamesh as a Wrongfully Celebrated Clear-cutter Atlanta, Georgia, USA, November27th, 2018, Kam Karem The recently released Fourth National Climate Assessment paints a grim picture of climate-changed caused world decline, Read more…